What are the keys to a powerful hybrid work community? 

Before we go into detail, we remind you of our blog post The power of community. We figured that without people, there would be no community. They should 

create an organized system that shares beliefs and interests –  called common ground

A community is a growing organism that can gift your life through:

  • participation
  • relationships
  • empathy
  • the feeling of belonging and safety
  • inspiration 

But what are the keys to building a community?

1. Especially in hybrid work models, we need to focus on what the coworking model has matured and evolved over time: Support. Acceptance, belonging & meaning are the three dimensions that led to mutual understanding. A smooth onboarding process e.g. should be guaranteed to avoid future miscommunication. 

2. The second key is Engagement. It’s for communities what passion is for love. The fire to keep the flame burning. Nowadays, we seem to live in a leadership crisis. Creating opportunities for people and community members that push them to be proactive is necessary and is bringing reward to us, humans, for what we all seek: Confirmation. This dynamic can even merge through taking or giving away responsibility, for example: How is responsible for what are we going to do during lunch break?

3. Accountability. A small word with a big meaning. Although building up a community is having a look at the bigger picture & outcome, it is the same important to ask yourself sometimes: Does our community help every individual to become who they want to be. One thing we love about hybrid workplaces such as Impact Hub. Their incubation work (including mentor hours and a global partnership for their members) is helping individuals as well as their growing community as a whole.

What are your secrets for healthy, hybrid communities?