Our Blog

Welcome to the Coworking and Community Blog of Pappus Agency

Here is where we share some of our insights to give you support throughout your journey creating communities or collaborative spaces. By joining Pappus Community, you become part of an energetic network that’s committed to innovation and collaboration. This is where you can exchange ideas with fellow professionals and learn the best practices in community building.

Welcome to the Coworking and Community Blog of Pappus Agency 📖

Here is where we share some of our insights to give you support throughout your journey creating communities or collaborative spaces. By joining Pappus Community, you become part of an energetic network that’s committed to innovation and collaboration. This is where you can exchange ideas with fellow professionals and learn the best practices in community building.

Community led Growth conversation with Deb Schell

Community led Growth conversation with Deb Schell

Dive into the world of community-led growth with Deb Schell, host of “The Community Strategy Podcast”. Discover the difference between the creator and community business industries, learn how to measure community impact, and explore the potential of decentralized business models. Embrace the human touch and let your community flourish.

Community Development: Reasons you should invest

Community Development: Reasons you should invest

Embrace community development to foster authentic connections, inspire customer loyalty, and fuel sustainable growth. Community-led growth transcends traditional sales and marketing techniques, tapping into our need for connection and recognition. By investing in community development, you unlock invaluable resources, such as genuine conversations, shared experiences, and organic customer feedback.

Create networks of opportunities that allow your business to pivot ideas, achieve sustainable market fit, and experience organic growth that resonates with customers on a deeper level. Building a community takes time and intention, but the results are worth the investment. Let the power of human connection drive your business forward, transforming customers into loyal, emotionally-attached community members who contribute to your growth without expectations. Start nurturing your community today and unlock its full potential.

Digital Nomad Communities and Visas in Portugal

Digital Nomad Communities and Visas in Portugal

New coworking trends in Portugal are connected to the emergence of the new Digital Nomad Visa and audience-led events with the goal to bring together the Portuguese coworking community and friends. See here news, trends of the new cowork boom and the Digital Nomad Visas in Portugal.

More profit through a Coworking Transformation

More profit through a Coworking Transformation

As coworking spaces become increasingly popular to complement traditional work culture, more targeted methods of creating coworking revenue are making their way into the industry.
Different players in industries – restaurants, cafés, bars and even banks are customizing their spaces to target new types of customers and provide them with services they demand in their professional life.These are the steps to transform your business into a successful and profitable coworking niche community

Powerful Community Building for Beginners

Powerful Community Building for Beginners

Community Building is not an easy task and role, especially for Beginners. A community framework always contains the layers of purpose, relationships, engagement methods and common interest. It is necessary to choose your community manager type and its activities wisely.

Coworking in Portugal vs. Around the World

Coworking in Portugal vs. Around the World

In this blog article pappus agency speaks with coworkies, coworkingspace experts who travellled around portugal testing coworking in portugal comparing with what they have seen all around the world.

Successful Community Consulting Services

Successful Community Consulting Services

What is the magic formula that led to community success? These are the steps community consultants consider when they offer you their services: Community growth stages, defining active member pool, and measuring metrics for community success.